Applications for September 2025 are now closed. Applicants should refer to their emails for details about the admissions test on Sunday 8 December (Updated: 6/12/24)

Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

How we use your information

Frontier Learning Trust uses your personal information in order to provide you with courses, events and wider opportunities. When you are an applicant, this is necessary to communicate with you in the consideration of offering you a place at a school or college within the Trust. When you are a student, this is necessary so that it is clear what courses you are taking, to provide you with a timetable and a personal tutor, to contact you when we need to, to monitor and advise about your progress, to enter you for the right exams, to carry out our safeguarding duties and offer you the chance to participate safely in a wide range of other activities. If you are attending an event or wish to keep informed of the Trust s activities, this allows us to communicate directly with you.


This notice gives you more information about how the Trust collects, stores, processes and shares your data and is intended for school pupils, prospective students and applicants to the College, current students, teachers, parents, staff, higher education professionals and other interested parties who would like further information on how we process, store and use personal data.

The categories of information that we may collect, hold and share include:

Personal information (such as your name, student ID, date of birth, dietary preferences, address and email address), emergency contact information, your ULN and UCI numbers. And your personal characteristics (such as ethnicity, gender, nationality and free school meal eligibility)

A photograph of you for identification purposes of enrolled students

Your educational achievements (such as your GCSE results) before you started at the College/School and your reference if your school supplied one

Medical, financial, safeguarding and other information about support you need which help us look after you while at College/School

Any additional learning needs you may have

The courses you have taken and are taking with us

Assessment grades and report data on enrolled classes

Attendance information (such as the lessons you have attended and your absences and punctuality record) on enrolled classes

The books and other resources you borrow from the College/School during your course

Your exam entries and your results in external exams taken at College/School

What you tell us about your wider career related experiences and ambitions

Further photographs or information your volunteer to us which help us to communicate the work of the College/School and for marketing purposes

Your academic, pastoral and behavioural record if there are problems or issues while you are enrolled in College/School

Any applications you make via the College/School such as UCAS and any references we provide for you

Feedback you give us about the College/School or, from time to time, your views on other things.

Work experience and other references we receive about you.

student-level data with The University Maths Schools Network, or U-Maths, a Charity registered in England and Wales (number 1207125). This data is shared in a format that ensures the data subjects are not easily identifiable but may include statistical information (such as attainment and progression) and demographic details (such as gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status). The purpose of sharing this data is to assess the impact of both [Maths School] and the broader University Maths Schools programme in England. Privacy Notice for Students on Programmes at University Maths Schools:

Why we collect and use this information

We use your data:


to identify and communicate with you

to obtain a reference from your school

to offer you a programme of A level subjects

to gather medical and educational needs so we can support you if offered a place

We use your data when you have enrolled as a student:


to identify you and keep the both you and the College/School safe

to support your learning

to give you a timetable

to monitor and report on your progress

to provide appropriate pastoral care and other support you may need

to enter you for exams

to request exam access arrangements or support during exams if necessary

to enable you to make online payments and use the canteen

to complete references and advise you about your progression options

to assess the quality of our teaching, pastoral and other services

to apply for funding and comply with funding agency requirements.

The lawful basis on which we use this information

We collect the following personal data under GDPR Article 6c (Legal Obligation), and 6e (Public Task) as well as by explicit consent, in order to meet our legal obligations with the ESFA. They are also necessary in order for us to carry out our public task to provide education and training.

Details about yourself including your name, date of birth, gender and ethnicity

Contact details your home address, home and mobile telephone numbers, email address

Details of your previous qualifications

Information about your nationality and residency to determine funding eligibility

Information about medical/health conditions and learning disabilities or difficulties

We collect parent/carer details (name, address, email, telephone numbers) under GDPR Article 6d (Vital Interests) and Article 6e (Public Task) in order to support our duty to support the education and learning as fully as possible. Some data we will collect and process with your consent, such as surveys and photos for marketing.

We collect your information around your sex at birth, legal sex and ethnicity under GDPR Article 9e for equal opportunity monitoring.

Collecting information

Most of the information above is collected directly from yourself via registration, application or enrolment. If you are a student, a medical form is completed by your parent/carer after you have been given an offer or have enrolled. Some information such as previous qualifications may be collected or verified from other organisations such as the Learner Records Service or your previous school.

Failure to provide data required to meet legal obligations will result in us not being able to enrol you as a student. Failure to provide other information, for example learning difficulty information, may result in the college being unable to provide the standard of service we would wish to provide.

Storing your data/How long we keep your data

We hold your data securely on the College/School s databases and on paper in a secure environment.

We retain your data based on the below criteria:

Applicant data for one year after the application process has finished so that we can effectively deal with re-applications.

Student data for six years after you leave the College/School. We do this so that we can provide a reference for you if you need one or if you need to confirm you were a student here for other reasons. As such, we cannot act as a referee for you after six years after you have left the College/School.

Updating your data

We have a duty to keep your data up to date so will periodically ask you to check that it is all still correct.

Who we share information with

We share aspects of your personal information with:


staff currently employed at the College/School to provide services to our students

your previous school to inform us of your needs and them of your destination after college

the funding agency and the Department for Education to meet our legal obligations and receive funding (see their privacy notice

Imperial College London to track, monitor, report on and evaluate Imperial College London Mathematics School applicants, students, activities and marketing activities. Also to provide any other information you have requested. Please see their data privacy notice:

exam awarding bodies to register you for exams and make Access Arrangements.

Mind, for the organisation of counselling sessions.

Springboard, for the organisation of virtual work experience.

universities and employers who may ask us for a reference or CV

your parents/carers to keep them informed of your progress

Tucasi and the college caterers to provide a cashless catering system and free school meal allowances

ALPS and the SFCA (Six Dimensions) to monitor retention and achievement

educational-related services and tools to help you in your learning and experience at college such as Kerboodle, MyConcern, MyMaths, MEI, Unifrog, Google for Google Classroom and Microsoft for Office 365

Sport England to support increased sport and physical activity in England

Barnet Council to support the Raising the Participation Age initiative

police, CAMHS, social services organisations, local councils and other agencies for child protection purposes.

hosts for trips and the organisation of visits

Where the Trust uses proprietary software subscriptions to process personal data on its behalf, we require them to do so on the basis of written instructions, are under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data.

Why we share information

We do not share information about anyone without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

We share students data with the Department for Education (DfE) on a statutory basis. This data sharing underpins school funding and educational attainment policy and monitoring.

LRS Data Sharing Agreement:

The information you supply will be used by the Skills Funding Agency, an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE), to issue you with a Unique Learner Number (ULN), and to create your Personal Learning Record. For more information about how your information is processed and shared refer to the Extended Privacy Notice available on Gov.UK

Requesting access to your personal data

Under data protection legislation, parents and students have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information contact the Trust s Data Protection Officer (DPO).

You also have the right to:

object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress

prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing

have inaccurate personal data rectified, and, in certain circumstances, data can be blocked, erased or destroyed;

claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Data Protection regulations

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, we request that you raise your concern with us in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner s Office at


The Right to be Forgotten

You have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data where this data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and processed. However, there are certain limits on this right, such as the need to retain data for funding or safeguarding and obligations.

Any person who wishes to exercise this right should complete the college "Subject Access Request" form and submit it to the Trust s Data Protection Officer. (Completion of this form is not mandatory but doing so will accelerate a request)

The Trust may charge a fee if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

The Trust aims to comply with requests as quickly as possible but will ensure that it is provided within one month unless there is good reason for delay. In such cases, the reason for delay will be explained in writing to the person making the request.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact:

Beth Holmes

Data Protection Officer

Woodhouse College

Woodhouse Road


London N12 9EY


020 8445 1210