Applications for September 2025 are now closed. Applicants should refer to their emails for details about the admissions test on Sunday 8 December (Updated: 6/12/24)

Admissions Policy

Imperial College London Mathematics School Admissions Policy for August 2025 entry

1. Introduction and Overview

Imperial College London Mathematics School (Imperial Maths School) is a small, specialist school for students with a passion and a demonstrable aptitude for mathematics. Alongside A Levels, a programme of super-curricular activities in mathematics will help develop students’ skills and prepare them for mathematical courses at the top universities and for successful careers that depend on the skills and competencies that come with rigorous mathematical training.

Imperial Maths School is a selective institution that wishes to attract students from diverse backgrounds, including those groups who have historically been underrepresented in maths and science.

2. Key principles and values
Imperial Maths School's admission policy will be:
• clear, fair, and transparent;
• designed to identify students based on both their current attainment and their potential to develop into successful mathematicians;
• based on valid and reliable assessment taking into consideration the individual needs of applicants; and
• designed to remove barriers and so maximise equality for all applicants irrespective of their background.

Imperial Maths School will provide information which enables students, parents, and carers make an informed decision about the suitability of Imperial Maths School to a student’s individual needs. This information will also include the planned admission numbers, the minimum academic requirements for entry, and how places will be allocated if the school is oversubscribed. It will also include details of how the school will operate its waiting list.

3. Planned admissions number and capacity
In August 2025, up to 80 students to be admitted to Year 12. In September 2025 no students will be admitted into Year 13.

In future years, the number of students admitted into Year 12 will increase once the permanent buildings are completed. Except in exceptional circumstances, it is not expected that Imperial Maths School will admit pupils into Year 13 even once the permanent buildings are complete.

Applicants will normally be in Year 11 and have their sixteenth birthday during the academic year in which they apply. Interested applicants who fall outside this criterion should contact the school using the school's online admissions query form or by contacting

4. Minimum study programme
All students will enrol on a programme of study comprising a minimum of 580 planning hours per year. All students will study Mathematics and Further Mathematics A Level, at least one of Chemistry or Physics A Level, and a bespoke programme of super-curricular, extra-curricular and tutorial and pastoral teaching.

5. Minimum entry requirements
Imperial Maths School offers a challenging, academically rigorous curriculum. The entry requirements reflect the minimum required for students to effectively engage with both the A level content, the mathematical stretch programme, and the additional super-curriculum which is compulsory for all students.

It is important to note that prospective students will be offered places on a conditional basis until they receive their GCSE results. Conditional offers may be set at a higher level than the standards listed below.

For conditional offers to be confirmed once GCSE results are known, students will be expected to have achieved each of the following four criteria in their examinations *:

Criteria Requirement
Criterion 1Grade 8 or 9 in GCSE Mathematics
Criterion 2a (for students applying for Physics A Level)Grade 7 or above in GCSE Physics or grade 7 7 or above in GCSE Combined Science
Criterion 2b (for students applying for Chemistry A Level)Grade 7 or above in GCSE Chemistry or grade 7 7 or above in GCSE Combined Science
Criterion 3Grade 5 or above in GCSE English Language or Literature ** 
Criterion 4a (for students applying to study three A Levels)An average of grade 7 or greater, calculated for the best six GCSEs (which may include those listed above)*** 
Criterion 4b (for students applying to study four A Levels)An average GCSE grade of 7.5 or greater, calculated from the best eight GCSEs, including English and Maths. If applying for a fourth A Level at Woodhouse College (neither Physics nor Chemistry), applicants must also achieve the minimum criteria for the chosen course as outlined in the Woodhouse admissions criteria, which can be found here: Year 12 Entry Criteria. 

* In highly rare and exceptional circumstances, Imperial Maths School retains the discretion to take into account exceptional circumstances that materially affect an individual’s results. Applicants who believe that such circumstances may apply to them must apply for special consideration to the relevant examination board for their GCSE examinations, and also inform Imperial Maths School of the details of these circumstances in writing by emailing by no later than the end of June 2025.

** In highly rare and exceptional circumstances, Imperial Maths School retains the discretion to amend this if appropriate to the home language and personal circumstances of the individual, but Imperial Maths School will not have the ability to provide any tuition or support for English language capability.

*** Please note that International GCSEs are accepted, but the Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics and the FMSQ in Additional Mathematics are not accepted.

Interested applicants who are offering alternative qualifications should contact the school directly before applying for further information. Applicants who have already achieved qualifications which are compulsory at Imperial Maths School will be assessed on an individual basis in the light of their potential to benefit from a specialist school with a prescribed curriculum.

6. Application process and oversubscription criteria
Steps in the application process are as follows:

6.1. Stage 1: Submit an Application Form
Applicants will be required to complete an application form in Year 11 by 11:59pm on Thursday 28 November 2024.
6.1.1. The application form will require details of any particular arrangements which will need to be accommodated during the application process, including any access arrangements.
6.1.2. The application form will require details of a teacher at the applicant’s current school who can provide a reference about the applicant’s suitability for the Imperial Maths School curriculum, their predicted grades, their record of punctuality and attendance, and can verify information provided by the applicant in the application form. Home-educated applicants should choose as their referee a tutor or other individual who can confirm the applicant’s academic suitability.
6.1.3. Any applicants whose application indicates they do not meet the criteria for admissions will not be progressed further.
6.1.4. Remaining applicants will be assessed, scored, and progressed to Stage 2 of the process.

6.2. Stage 2: The Imperial Maths School Admissions Test
Applicants that submit successful applications will be invited to sit the Imperial Maths School Admissions Test.
6.2.1. The Imperial Maths School Admissions Test is designed to test students’ algebraic fluency, mathematical problem-solving skills and potential for abstract mathematical thinking.
6.2.2. The admissions test will not require knowledge of material beyond that taught for GCSE mathematics.
6.2.3. Specimen questions similar to those in the Admissions Test are available on the school's website.
6.2.4. The Admissions Test score will be combined with the assessment of the application to create a ‘pre-interview’ score for each candidate.
6.2.5. All candidates whose ‘pre-interview’ score is above a given threshold for this particular admissions cycle will be invited to interview.
6.2.6. Students will not normally be informed of their test score but may request their mark as part of the admission process feedback. Applicants who believe there has been an error in the marking of the Admissions Test may request a mark review, in which case the application of the mark scheme will be reviewed by an independent marker. If appropriate, the candidate’s ‘pre-interview’ score (see 5.2.4) will be updated and the application decision reviewed.
6.2.7. Students who believe that exceptional circumstances may affect their performance in the admissions test must inform Imperial Maths School of these circumstances in writing by emailing in advance of the sitting of the admissions test.

6.3. Stage 3: The interview
Those applicants that meet the threshold will be invited to an interview. The interview will consist of two parts: a mathematics interview, and a personal interview.
6.3.1. The mathematics interview will be used to assess further the applicant’s mathematical skill and understanding, and to determine how well the applicant can learn and apply a mathematical technique when guided by an Imperial Maths School teacher.
6.3.2. The personal interview will explore the applicant’s aspirations concerning their career and future applications of their mathematical knowledge; their suitability for the school; their likelihood of benefitting from small, specialist educational provision; aspects of their biography; and will support the assessment of how much value the school may add to the applicant in terms of having an impact on their attainment and progress.
6.3.3. Applicants will be assigned two scores at interview. An integer score from 0 to 40 for the further assessment of mathematical skill and understanding and how well they learnt a mathematical technique when guided by an Imperial Maths School teacher; An integer score from 0 to 20 representing their fit with the school's vision and values and how they will benefit from the school's learning and teaching environment.
The two interview scores are combined with the assessment of the application to create an “interview score”. The pre-interview score and the interview score are combined to form an overall Total Score.

6.4. Stage 4: Admissions Panel Decision
6.4.1. The Admissions Panel is responsible for determining which candidates receive offers, which are declined, and which are placed on the waiting list.
6.4.2. Applicants are ranked by the Total Score.
6.4.3.Two thresholds are identified based on the number of places available: an automatic offer score and a lowest offer score.
6.4.4. Those applicants scoring the automatic offer score or above are allocated to group A. Those scoring below the automatic offer score but also scoring the lowest offer score or above are allocated to group B. Those below the lowest offer score are allocated to group C.
6.4.5. Applicants in group A are made a conditional offer, subject to receipt of a satisfactory school reference and confirmation from the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) that any adjustment required by an applicant with an identified special educational need or disability is reasonable and compatible with the efficient resources and/or efficient education of others, in line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
6.4.6. Applicants in group C are not progressed.
6.4.7. All applicants in group B with an EHCP or LAC status are made a conditional offer, subject to receipt of a satisfactory school reference and confirmation from the SENDCo that any adjustment required by an applicant with an identified special educational need or disability is reasonable and compatible with the efficient resources and/or efficient education of others, in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2015.
6.4.8. All other applicants in group B are considered individually by the Admissions Panel. The panel will review the information contained in the application, personal statement and the teacher reference of the remaining applicants to assess the suitability of the applicant based on contextual information, and will award a reference score, taking an integer value from 0 to 10. This will then be reviewed by a further member of the panel not involved in stage 1, 2 and 3. Remaining applicants will be ranked by this score.
6.4.9. Two further thresholds are identified based on the number of places available. Applicants whose reference score is above the upper threshold will be made a conditional offer (subject to the same two conditions listed above), and those below the lower threshold hold are not progressed, and remaining applicants are placed on the waiting list.6.4.10. The conditional offer will take one of the following possible forms Applicants who have applied to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School will receive a conditional offer to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School. The condition of the offer will normally be meeting the entry requirements outlined in section 5. Applicants who have applied to study four A levels at Imperial Maths School will receive a conditional offer to study either three or four A levels at Imperial Maths School. If an applicant has applied to study four A levels but the information in the application indicates that the applicant is unlikely to meet the minimum entry requirements for four A levels, they may be made a conditional offer to study three A levels only. Applicants who have applied to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School and an additional A level at Woodhouse College are also expected to meet the attainment profile of Woodhouse College applicants for their chosen Woodhouse College subject. Applicants who have applied for a fourth A level at Woodhouse College will either receive A conditional offer to study all four A levels A conditional offer to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School, and placed on the waiting list for their Woodhouse College A level subject.
6.4.10. Conditional offers must be accepted with 10 working days of receipt. If an offer is not accepted within this timeframe then the offer will be withdrawn.
6.4.11. Offers may be withdrawn by the school if it becomes apparent that an applicant, prior to enrolling at Imperial Maths School, submitted an application that was not factually correct, or if the applicant is not eligible for a place for some other reason.
6.4.12. When applicants are ranked, any applicants with an identical score will be ranked first by their pupil premium status, with those eligible for pupil premium funding ranking higher, and then according to the straight-line distance of their home postcode from the school, with the nearest ranking higher. In the event there is still a tie, the ranking will be determined by random allocation.

7. Waiting list
7.1. The Total Score is used to order candidates on the waiting list.
7.2. Late applicants may be added to the waiting list if they meet the entrance criteria for that year’s recruitment round (see 10).
7.3. Conditional offers may be made to those who are on the waiting list in the following instances:
7.3.1. following the offer acceptance deadline (and the deadline for any places subsequently conditionally offered) and until GCSE results publication, any places that have not been accepted may be offered to the next student on the waiting list;
7.3.2. should a current offer holder withdraw, or be withdrawn for any reason;
7.3.3. in the week following GCSE results publication, should places at the school become available (for example because current offer holders do not meet the terms of their conditional offers);
7.3.4. at any point up to 1 October 2025, should additional places at the school become available for any reason.
7.4 In the event conditional offers are made to applicants on the waiting list, offers will be made in order of their reference score (see 6.4.8).
7.5 In the event that the reference score is equal, applicants will be ranked according to their total score, and subsequently by the criteria outlined in 6.4.12.
8. Enrolment
8.1. Offer holders that meet their conditional offer are expected to enrol at Imperial Maths School on GCSE results day. Specific details of the enrolment process will be communicated with offer holders in advance of receiving their GCSE results.
8.2. On enrolling at Imperial Maths School, offer-holders will be advised on their curriculum options. All students are enrolled to study Mathematics and Further Mathematics A Levels, and all students will study at least one of Physics and Chemistry A Levels. Co-ordinated timetabling and the proximity of Imperial Maths School to Woodhouse College will allow students to choose a fourth A level subject from the broader Woodhouse curriculum, which should be chosen at the time of application. The availability of other A level subjects at Woodhouse College will be subject to timetabling and capacity constraints. Applicants who have conditional offers to study four A levels, but do not meet the conditions of their offer, may be provided with an adjusted offer to study three A levels.

9. Additional admissions cycles
In any year where there is more than one admissions cycle prior to GCSE results day, the same processes will be applied, and the same scoring systems will be used to rank candidates.

10. Late applications
10.1 Applicants who miss the application window(s) prior to GCSE results day may submit a late application. They should express an interest in making a late application via email which should be submitted via email to between 9am on GCSE results day and 11am on the day following GCSE results day, and should include evidence of GCSE results and a contact telephone number.
10.2 This expression of interest is open to those who did not submit an application in the initial cycle(s), or applicants whose application was declined in a previous admissions cycle.
10.3 Late applications will only be considered if additional places are available and once all students on the waiting list have been made offers.
10.4 In the event that late applications are considered, the applications of any late applicants who do not meet the minimum entry requirements will be declined.
10.5 If a late applicant has previously sat the admissions test, and their score was lower than the lowest score of a candidate who was made a conditional offer or placed on the waiting list in a previous admissions cycle, then their application will be declined.
10.6 All other late applicants will be ranked by their average GCSE grade from their best six subjects.
10.7 A number N of applications to be considered will be determined based on the number of spaces at the school available, and the top N ranked late applicants will be invited to a Late Applicant Day which will take place during the week following GCSE results day.
10.8 Applicants invited to the Late Applicant Day will be required to either: (a) conduct an interview if they have previously sat the admissions test; or (b) sit an admissions test and conduct an interview if they have not previously sat the admissions test.
10.9 The same scoring system described in section 6 will be used to rank candidates who attend the Late Applicant Day to give each late applicant a Late Applicant Rank.
10.10 Two thresholds are determined and late applicants above the greater threshold are made an offer. The applications of those below the lower threshold are declined. Remaining late applicants are placed on the Late Applicant Waiting List.
10.11 The offer will take one of the following forms:
10.11.1 Late applicants who have applied to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School will be offered a place to study three A levels.
10.11.2 Late applicants who have applied to study four A levels at Imperial Maths School will be offered a place to study four A levels provided that they meet the minimum entry requirements. If they do not meet the minimum entry requirements for studying four A levels then they may be made an offer to study three A levels.
10.11.3 Late applicants who have applied to study a fourth A level at Woodhouse College will be offered a place to study three A levels at Imperial Maths School, and placed on the waiting list for their Woodhouse College A level subject.
10.12 If further places at the school become available, applicants on the Late Applicant Waiting List will be made offers according to their Late Applicant Rank.
10.13.1 In the event that spaces at the school remain after this process, the same process will be repeated. The window of application for this will be advertised on the Imperial Maths School website.
10.13.2 Candidates who have previously made a late application are not able to make a second late application.

11. Appeals
Applicants who are not offered a place through this process have a right to appeal against the decision. Details of the admissions appeal procedure, including grounds on which appeals may be lodged, are detailed in the Imperial Maths School Admissions Appeals Policy (appendix A), available on the school website.
12. Late applications
Applications received after the closing date will only be considered should places remain available after the consideration of all applications received on or before the closing date.

Sanctuary applications may be considered after the closing date, such as for persons displaced by war. If places are granted after this extraordinary process, they will be additional to the published admissions number.

13. Equality and diversity

13.1. Imperial Maths School will, in operating its admission arrangements, do everything it reasonably can to remove barriers to equality of opportunity and enable every student to perform to the best of their ability. In making admissions decisions, Imperial Maths School will implement a process which is fair and free from discrimination.
13.2. Imperial Maths School is keen to encourage applications from all students who feel that the educational provision Imperial Maths School offers is suitable for them. If an applicant has a disability or an Education, Health and Care Plan, they are encouraged to make an application if they meet the admissions criteria. Imperial Maths School will make all reasonable adjustments needed to avoid substantial disadvantage to any applicant during all stages of the admissions process.

14. Application timetable
Specific dates will be published each year on the school website. The table below shows the outline timeline for any admissions cycle.

TimelineActivity or Action
SeptemberAdmission arrangements published. Application form opens for entry on the school website.
September-NovemberOpen Evenings and Taster Days for prospective applicants and their parents/carers to find out more about the school. Details are available on the Imperial Maths School website in the application section. Attendance at Open Evenings and Taster Days is not required for applicants; nor does it confer any advantage to applicants in the offer decision process. Spaces on Open Evenings and Taster Days may have limited capacity.
Late NovemberApplication deadline for main admission cycle. 
December Imperial Maths School Admissions Test. 
January-February Interviews. 
February-March Conditional offers made. 
August (GCSE results day) Offers are confirmed and students are enrolled. If places are available, the late application window opens.

15. Policy use
Please ensure you are using the latest version of this policy, which is available on the Imperial Maths School website. This version relates to the 2025 admissions cycle (students starting study at Imperial Maths School in August 2025). This policy will be reviewed annually and an amended policy for the following September will be published on the Imperial Maths School website before the end of the preceding September (ie. The policy for the 2026 admissions cycle will be published in or before the end of September 2025). The policy will remain on the Imperial Maths School website through the year.

16. Complaints
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the admissions policy or appeal process you should first raise any concerns directly with Imperial Maths School via the email address If you remain unhappy with any aspect of the admissions policy or appeal process you may submit a complaint, outlining your concerns to EFA at

17. Monitoring and Reviewing

CreatedICLMS Admissions and curriculum GroupAugust 2021
RatifiedICLMS Steering GroupAugust 2022
Approved (2023 cycle)ICLMS LGB September 2022
Reviewed and approved for 2024 cycleICLMS LGB April 2023
Reviewed and approved for 2025 cycleICLMS LGB June 2024

Appendix A - Imperial College London Mathematics School: Admissions Appeal Policy and Procedure
(August 2025 entry)

1. General

1.1. All successful applicants to the Imperial College London Mathematics School will receive conditional offers of a place by 30th April 2025. Those applicants whose application is deemed unsuccessful by the School’s Admissions Panel will have the right to appeal. The Admissions Panel may also make the decision to place an applicant on the School’s waiting list, and such applicants also have the right to appeal that decision. For the avoidance of doubt, this policy does not apply to applicants who accept a conditional offer from the School but who subsequently fail to meet the conditions of the offer.
1.2. An applicant may formally appeal a decision of the School’s Admission Panel within 10 working days of the date of the written notification to the student of the admissions decision on the grounds that the admissions arrangements did not comply with admissions law or had not been correctly or impartially applied. This document outlines the procedure of the formal appeal of the Admission Panel.
1.3. The School will ensure in all cases that appellants are treated fairly and impartially. Appeals shall be considered by the Appeals Panel, whose membership is restricted to individuals who are not members of the Admissions Panel.
1.4. Candidates are encouraged to seek informal feedback from the School before lodging a formal appeal and such requests for informal feedback or other informal enquires are outside the scope of the admissions policies and procedure.

2. Submission of appeals
2.1. Appeals against either an unsuccessful application or against being placed on the School’s waiting list, must be submitted in writing by completing an ICLMS Admissions Appeals Form with any supporting documentation or evidence within 10 working days of the date of the written notification to the student of the admissions decision. If an applicant on the School’s waiting list is subsequently offered a place, the appeal will be treated as withdrawn. The ICLMS Admissions Appeal Form requires the appellant to provide details regarding the basis on which their appeal is made. Appeals must be submitted to the Chair of the Board of Governors of ICLMS at the following email address:
2.2. Where an appeal is submitted on behalf of a student, the person submitting the appeal shall include written confirmation from the student that they are authorised to act on the student's behalf.

3. Consideration of appeals by the Governing Body
3.1. The Governing Body shall appoint three governors (or two governors and one co-opted member) annually to act as the Appeals Panel.
3.2. The role of the Appeals Panel is to formally consider the appeal following representation from both the appellant and the Admissions Panel. The Appeals Panel has the power to over-rule the decision of the Admission Panel to reject a candidate or place a candidate on the School’s waiting list.
3.3. The Appeals Panel shall elect one of their number to be the Appeals Chair who will coordinate communications between the Appeals Panel, the School, and the appellant, and chair the Appeal Hearing at which the appeal is considered. The Chair must be an ICLMS governor.
3.4. The Appeals Panel shall consider the appellant's case after arranging an Appeal Hearing, at which both the appellant and the Admissions Panel must be offered the opportunity to present their cases.
3.5. Appellants are strongly encouraged to attend the Appeal Hearing in person to present their case. If they are unable to attend in person, the Appeal Panel will make a decision based on the evidence submitted. The appellant can be accompanied at the Appeal Hearing only by a parent/carer or other family member and/or an interpreter or signer who may speak on their behalf at the hearing. However, it is not possible for an employee of the School to attend on their behalf.
3.6. The Appeal Hearing must normally take place before the end of June 2025. The Appeals Panel will invite the Admissions Panel to submit evidence to support their decision. The appellant will also be invited to submit any additional evidence that was not submitted with the Admissions Appeal Form. All evidence will be shared between all parties prior to the Appeal Hearing; all parties must normally submit paperwork at least 5 working days prior to the Appeal Hearing.
3.7. The Clerk to the Governing Body, or another appointed Clerk if the Clerk to the Governing Body is not available, will record the minutes of the Appeal Hearing. The appointed clerk shall notify the parties of the order of the proceedings at the Appeal Hearing in advance of the meeting.
3.8. The Appeal Hearing will have the following order of proceedings:
• The Chair will introduce all attendees
• The Clerk will outline the procedure for the Appeals Hearing
• The Admissions Panel representative will outline the case for the admissions outcome The appellant and the Appeals Panel will be invited to ask questions of the Admissions Panel representative
• The appellant will outline their case for appeal
• The Admissions Panel representative and the Appeal Panel will be invited to ask questions of the appellant
• The Admissions Panel representative will be invited to sum up their case
• The appellant will be invited to sum up their case
• The Admissions Panel representative and the appellant (including any accompany support) will be asked to leave the Appeals Hearing
• Consideration by the Appeals Panel will take place after all appeals have been heard.
3.9. The Appeals Panel Chair shall communicate the decision of the Appeals Panel in writing to the student and the School normally within 5 working days of the Appeal Hearing. If the appeal is not upheld, the reasons for this decision will be included in their communication to the School and to the appellant. If the appeal is upheld, the Panel shall direct the School to make a conditional offer to the appellant.
3.10. The Appeals Panel decision is final and binding.
3.11. The Appeals Panel will summarise the outcomes of all appeals in an admissions cycle to the Governing Body at the Summer meeting of the board. The committee may at this time make recommendations regarding policy and procedure to the School and/or to the Governing Body which they consider to be appropriate.

4. Complaints Procedure following the Appeals Process
4.1. Appellants who are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Appeals Panel can refer the matter to the Education Funding Agency. Appellants can only appeal on the basis that the school's admissions policy was not properly followed.

5. Admission Law
5.1. Imperial College London Mathematics School is a 16 to 19 Academy and as such is not required to comply with the School Admissions Code. The admission arrangements for 16 to 19 Academies do need to be fair, objective, and transparent.
5.2. In addition to not being required to comply with the School Admissions Code, Imperial Maths School is not required to comply with the School Admissions Appeal Code, which do not apply to 16 to 19 Academies.

6. Monitoring and reviewing
CreatedICLMS Admissions and curriculum GroupAugust 2021
RatifiedICLMS Steering GroupAugust 2022
Approved (2023 cycle)ICLMS LGBSeptember 2022
Reviewed and approved for 2024 cycleICLMS LGBApril 2023
Reviewed and approved for 2025 cycleICLMS LGBJune 2024